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Welcome to the Maleny Dairies Newsletter!

We would like to welcome everyone to the second installment of the Maleny Dairies monthly newsletter - your regular updates on all things Maleny Dairies!

We are kicking off 2023 with some very exciting things so stay tuned!

Your feedback is welcome and if you are wanting to know anything in particular about the business, let us know and we will endeavour to answer your questions in our next newsletter.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to every single one of you for your continued support. Our promise to you (a new years resolution, you might say!) is to continue to support our wonderful local farmers as well as deliver the same quality products that you all know and love. Here's to 2023! - The Maleny Dairies Team



Our Lactose-Free Competition has come to an end! We would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter, your feedback is invaluable to us and will be used as data for some exciting future launches!

Congratulations to our winner - A. Bennett! We hope that you enjoy your stay at Spicers Tamarind Retreat on us!



Our award-winning cream has a BRAND NEW LOOK!

Our commitment to our customers involves constantly reviewing and improving our products and packaging. We are incredibly excited to announce a further improvement to our cream range for 2023.

Following feedback from both retailers and consumers, as of the 30th of January we will be repackaging our real cream tall tubs into a new 300ml squat tub along with a refresh of the design and branding. This new tub is not only conveniently sized but also more resilient and less likely to be damaged, due to the improved material and design of the packaging.

Keep an eye out for these new tubs on your supermarket shelves!



Check out our stunning new heifer - Daphne! You might have seen her cute little face in our last newsletter and popping up over our social media over the past month or so! We thought it was about time to give her a proper introduction!

Not only is Daphne a beautiful example of her breed, she also has big dreams of being a tour cow when she grows up! Daphne is currently in training to help out Alice (our current tour cow) with interacting with our lovely guests as a part of our Farm and Factory Tours!

She is currently on display at our MilkBar and available to feed with our boys on our tours.



Errol & Julie Gerber

Errol and Julie Gerber operate their 600 acre dairy operation in the Lockyer Valley, south-east Queensland. Milking approximately 300 cows year round, Errol and Julie had a first fleeting meeting in 1981 at the Marburg Dance.

They reconnected in their early 20’s when Julie worked at a spare parts store in Gatton. Walking in to her work one day to buy a spare part, Errol bumped into Julie. As he proceeded to leave the store, he turned around, and plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date. Swearing she would never marry a farmer, Julie married Errol in 1983.

With both of them growing up on the farm, the Gerber's are well accustomed to farming life. Errol worked on his father’s vegetable and grain farm in the Lockyer Valley for many years. He completed his apprenticeship and transitioned to part ownership of the family farm in 1986.

Taking a break from farming life for two years, Errol and Julie chose to return to the dairy industry in 2016. The Gerber family are renowned for maximising milk quality while driving milk production volume.

Seen as leaders in the dairy industry, they were one of the first farming families to adopt the use of compost sheds as a way to keep the cows cooler in summer; improving overall herd health; and improving soil health by placing the nutrient-rich fertiliser on the land. When not working on the land, the two are busy with their three children and three grandchildren.



We are on TikTok! Check us out for informative videos, behind the scenes sneak peeks and plenty of cute cows and calves!

Let us know what kind of content you want to see! Want a look into our bottling room to see how our bottles are filled with milk? Or maybe you would like to see some info on how we are being sustainable? Just want to see our adorable calves and live vicariously through our dedicated staff members as they care for them and give them lots of pats and cuddles?

Let us know!



With Australia Day this month, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a Pavlova. Our cream (now in a fancy new tub!) is the perfect addition to your Pav, not just on Australia Day but all year round!

Tried and tested by our staff, this Pavlova recipe is delicious! You will definitely want to give it a try!

** Pictured is a stunning Pavlova supplied to us by The Country Chef Bakery Co. for a celebration of our wonderful farmers. The staff that tried the recipe couldn't wait long enough to take photos!**



Did you know that we run tours for school groups?

We can accommodate up to 150 students at a time and work with your school to create a custom tour to fit any curriculum! We accept student groups of all ages and class types including vacation care!

Want your school to visit us? Pass on our Tour Manager's email or let us know the name of your school and we can reach out to them!


Visit us 70 McCarthy Road Maleny Queensland 4552 07 5494 2392

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70 McCarthy Road

Maleny Queensland 4552

07 5494 2392​

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