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Welcome to the Maleny Dairies Newsletter!

We would like to welcome everyone to the third installment of the Maleny Dairies monthly newsletter - your regular updates on all things Maleny Dairies! We are a little late for our February Newsletter, as it is going out a few days into March, however, we think it's a good one and worth the wait!

Your feedback is welcome and if you are wanting to know anything in particular about the business, let us know and we will endeavour to answer your questions in our next newsletter.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to every single one of you for your continued support. Our promise to you is to continue to support our wonderful local farmers as well as deliver the same quality products that you all know and love. - The Maleny Dairies Team



This month we have been giving our Natural Yoghurt some love!

This product is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed on it's own or in a variety of recipes - sweet or savoury!

Our staff and customers frequently let us know about the many creative ways that they use our Natural Yoghurt and we are always blown away by their innovation! Some of our favourites include using it as an alternative to sour cream, making labneh, adding it to curries and making flatbreads!

We've also been sharing our love of this product with our local community by donating crates of our delicious yoghurt to many organisations. See more below!

Our 350g Natural Yoghurt tubs are also HALF PRICE from our MilkBar currently, so be sure to pop in to grab a bargain!

Need some more recipe inspiration? Check out our recent Facebook (and Instagram) posts for some recipe ideas! We had a delicious pizza recipe earlier in the month and some Natural Yoghurt pancakes in celebration of Pancake Tuesday last week! Click the links below to see the posts (and if you don't already, follow us for more content)!



This month we have been out and about in our local community building and nurturing strong relationships! At Maleny Dairies, community is everything to us and we thoroughly appreciate the support we get from locals and other organisations on the Sunshine Coast!

This month, Ross and Sally Hopper were invited to give a presentation at the Glasshouse Country Seniors Group earlier in February. They were able to share the rich history of Maleny Dairies as well as insights for our future. These group got to share a cuppa and have a chat with Ross and Sally as well as taste-test the products that were generously brought along.

Aligning with our Natural Yoghurt spotlight this month, we have also been out donating crates of our 350g Natural Yoghurt tubs to organisations in our local community.

We firmly believe in taking care of the local community that supports us and our farmers and will continue to give back in any way that we can.

See below a list of everywhere we have donated to in the last month. Click the links to see more of what these great organisations do!

  • The River School A local primary school located in Maleny.

  • Maleny State School A local primary school in Maleny who will use our donation for their breakfast club.

  • The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre MNC works to reduce hardship in our local area and is committed to supporting community.

  • Tunnel Ridge Ranch A Landsborough-based not for profit organisation who run school and youth camps and experiences.

  • Urban Angels Community Kitchen Maroochydore and Birtinya Urban Angels Community Kitchen is a platform for bringing the community together, creating and distributing a ready stock of nutritious frozen meals for people who need support.

  • Suncoast Care Based in Nambour, Suncoast Care run a food rescue service that saves over 220 tonnes of food each year for distribution back into the local community. They run various programs including The Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, the School Pantries Program and a Community Grocery Store.



You might have met Alice, our amazing tour cow if you have previously been along on one of our tours or maybe you might have seen her when you popped in to the MilkBar to grab some milk or a coffee! The wonderful Alice has been in the spotlight for well over a year now and she loves her job! Alice was born and bred right here at Maleny Dairies and her genetics can be traced back to the original Ellendean lines started by the Hoppers back in 1948 (the same farm that produced record-holding Guernsey, Bella-Donna). Recently, we decided to create Alice her very own page on our website to showcase all the great things that she does. Not only is she a fabulous tour cow but she is also an ambassador for Ceres Tag as well as the unofficial mascot for Maleny Dairies who has met many important people! To top all of this off, she is also a soon-to-be second time mother! Alice's first calf, Tweedle-Dee, found a wonderful home with our CEO, Stephen and is living a happy existence on his farm! Alice is expected to give birth to a happy heifer in the next month or so! We're taking suggestions on names so if you have any ideas, be sure to let us know! If you want to follow her pregnancy journey, be sure to follow our social media accounts!



We couldn't resist but give you one more recipe featuring our ever versatile Natural Yoghurt this month and this one might be the best! Check out our delicious Biscoff Cinnamon Roll recipe!

This recipe is perfect as a little indulgent treat but also easy enough to make it a regular thing! Click the link below for the recipe!



Did you know that we can host Birthday Parties?!

We have a variety of options available for your next event including custom tours, party favours, lawn games and we can even organise your cake with one of the other fabulous, local producers in Maleny!

Take the stress out of party planning and let us organise your setting, decorations and activities!

Available for all ages! BBQ facilities and food options available!

To spend your (or someone you love's) birthday surrounded by cows and adorable calves in the picturesque hills of Maleny, send our Tour Manager an email!


Visit us 70 McCarthy Road Maleny Queensland 4552 07 5494 2392

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Mar 09, 2023

Love this Newsletter and Maleny Dairies and generally Maleny as Our Family had a Dairy Farm at North Maleny in the 1950's- please keep sending - Thank you Trish XX


70 McCarthy Road

Maleny Queensland 4552

07 5494 2392​

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